Children, Family, Stress, Teens

Navigating Seasonal Transitions

Navigating Seasonal Transitions

Spring is the season of change!  For school age kids and youth, the end of the school year is fast approaching, bringing with it, exams, graduation, travel, camp or work.  Along with some excitement, there may also be anxiety and stress. 

The anticipation of summer heralds for some a much-welcomed break from the usual stressors but can be overwhelming as well.

Here are 5 tips for making your way through this time: 

Celebrate: Celebrate milestones! Some people are writing exams for the first time. Others may be finally having an in-person graduation! Acknowledge any achievement, no matter how small.

Create routine: The routine of summer will likely look different than during the school year, and this is ok. The structure has to work for the family as a whole. This routine will vary according to the needs of the family. For some, having a regular sleep wake cycle, and programs, will be necessary, and for others, having some flexibility may be more important. Whatever that is, discussing this in advance, especially with your teenagers, can be helpful so that everyone is aware of expectations. If you are finding that the lack of routine is too stressful, then you can pivot. Alternatively, if the structure is too rigid, then another plan may be more helpful.

Communicate: Transitions can be tough!. Losing the “distraction” of school may allow baseline anxiety to surface. If your child or youth seems anxious with the transition to summer, acknowledge this and offer support. You can ask “I notice that you seem stressed, is there anything I can do to help?” This may be temporary but if you are concerned, you can always consult the support of a mental health team member.

Curate ideas: When making summer plans, give your children age-appropriate opportunities to weigh in. This may be the perfect time to visit the museum, art gallery, local parks, splash pads, family, friends, the zoo, travel within your budget, local festivals, or restaurants. Whatever your budget, there is always something fun to do in the city!

Care: Be kind to yourself and your child/youth. The transition period may take some time to figure out. It is ok to not have everything figured out all the time or at once. 

We wish you and your family a wonderful transition to the summer months.

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Anxiety, Mental Health, Stress

Spotlight on Stress

April is Stress Awareness Month. Stress Awareness Month has been held every April since 1992 to raise awareness of the causes and cures for modern-day stress.

Stress is a physical and psychological reaction to perceived challenges or threats and part of our natural “fight or flight” response.  We all have it!

Sometimes a little stress or anxiety can be helpful:  it can motivate us to take action, to achieve our goals, to grow and learn. It’s the stress we feel when starting a new job, preparing for a marathon, undertaking new studies, or planning celebrations for a big life event.

There is also stress that comes with traumatic events or ongoing challenges in our personal or professional lives. Examples can include dealing with chronic health problems – either your own or a family member, losing a job, financial difficulties or going through a divorce.

Chronic or excessive stress can cause high blood pressure, increased risk of heart disease, anxiety and depression and negatively impact our overall quality of life. This kind of stress can leave us feeling unwell and susceptible to serious health impacts.

Here are some tips for stress management from the team at Whole Heart:


Go for a walk

Physical activity not only provides a healthy distraction from stressful thoughts, it improves mood and overall health. Exercise not only reduces the levels of the stress hormones in the body, it releases natural chemicals in the brain that promote feelings of well-being.

Practice mindfulness or other forms of meditation

Mindfulness has been scientifically proven to reduce our stress response by helping us train our awareness away from stress-inducing thoughts. We can learn to focus on the present moment, rather than fixating on the worries that come from thoughts related to past events that we can’t change or future possibilities that we can’t predict or control. Mindfulness and meditation also provide awareness of our response to stress in real time, so that we can start to develop strategies to create calmness in the body and mind even when the situations may be challenging.

 Eat nourishing foods

There’s a strong relationship between food and stress; from what we crave to how it can make us feel. It’s important to have foods that you enjoy and that provide comfort.  There are also foods that can provide important support for your immune system when coping with stressful events. A nutritionist can provide you with helpful guidance.

Cultivate enjoyable hobbies and activities

Having interests that provide a healthy distraction away from sources of stress is important.

Hobbies don’t have to be complicated or expensive. Turn on some music and dance, read a book, colour or create crafts, cook or bake or go for a bike ride or shoot some hoops. Hobbies and activities not only divert your attention away from stress, they often combine other stress management techniques – such as physical activity and time spent with friends and family.

Connect with friends and family

Sometimes when we are “stressed out” we move away from seeing and speaking to friends and family because we feel we are too busy or that we are physically or emotionally exhausted. Leaning on a supportive network is important to keep your mood up and prevent you from feeling isolated. Call a friend, go out with friends or family for a meal. Give yourself a break and get the support and boost that comes from talking to and being with loved ones.

Identify challenges to prioritization

If you’re feeling stress due to constant competing tasks it may be an opportunity to review how you manage your time or prioritize. Sometimes it’s as simple as looking into skills training – for example, Whole Heart runs a study skills group to help students prepare for exams, which includes time management and prioritization skills. Other times, the inability to manage time or prioritize can be tied to a condition like ADHD. If you or a member of your family is experiencing chronic stress tied to time management or prioritization you may want to seek out a consultation from a mental health professional.

Get a good night’s sleep

When we are dealing with stressful periods, we may be getting less sleep at a time when we actually need more and better-quality sleep. The quality of sleep we get impacts our physical, mental and emotional states. Look to relaxation and meditation to help prepare you for sleep. Limit screen use before bed, avoid large meals, caffeine and alcohol before bedtime, and ensure your sleep space is quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature. Recognize that you can function better if you are well-rested.

Seek support from a mental health professional when needed

If you feel that you need more help, don’t hesitate to contact us at Whole Heart Mental Health and Wellness. Not sure where to begin? Reach out and let us help guide and support you:

Stress Awareness Month is an important reminder about the impact of stress on our lives and the importance of learning effective strategies for managing stress so that we can improve our well-being and prevent the negative health consequences of bad stress.

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