Behavioural, Children, Family, Teens

Easing the Way Back To School

Just as we settled into the rhythm of summer, it seems we are now having to pivot to the approach of fall and back-to-school.  This is a transitional time, which can be significant for families, moving from a pace that may feel more relaxed and carefree to one that requires more structure with the starts of school.

Here are five suggestions to help families adjust from summer break to back-to-school:

1. Establish Consistent Routines: Routines provide a sense of stability and predictability, which can help reduce anxiety and stress for both children and adults. Getting onto a consistent schedule can help regulate sleep patterns, which can promote a smoother transition back to school. Start working on getting to bed 1-2 hours earlier than during the summer months, every day. Work on getting up 1-2 hours earlier. Work on sleep hygiene, by encouraging screen time limits 1-2 hours prior to the desired bedtime. Sleep requires a period of relaxation and the absence of screens to help the natural sleep-inducing melatonin to rise.

2. Visit the School Ahead of Time: Along with excitement, as they will be seeing their friends after a break for the summer, for some kids, the start of school can be very stressful. New grades, new classes, new classmates and maybe a new school can trigger intense emotions.  Remind your child that the first day is often the hardest, but every day, with continued attendance, those feelings will become more manageable. Visiting school before the first day may be an effective way to help children become familiar with their surroundings (drive past the school, visit the playground, meet the teachers, or school staff or kids in the school if possible). Participate in any activities that may be offered at the school (such as a BBQ for new or returning families). If your child is school avoidant, you may wish to speak to the school staff (guidance counsellor or principal) to work on strategies to help alleviate the anxiety.

3. Create a Positive Back-to-School Tradition: Have some fun! Establishing a special tradition, like a family breakfast or lunch prep routine or placing special notes in their lunchbox, adds a positive aspect to the back-to-school experience. This creates a sense of connection and excitement, helping to ease potential apprehensions.

4. Engage in Seasonal Activities: Planning ahead for fall-themed activities, such as apple picking, pumpkin carving, or nature walks, promotes quality family time and a positive connection to the changing season. Creating enjoyable traditions can help foster positive anticipation for the season ahead.

5. Practice Self-Care as a Family:Prioritizing self-care activities like relaxation exercises, mindfulness, or outdoor adventures can enhance the family’s overall well-being. Self-care promotes stress reduction, emotional regulation, and a shared sense of rejuvenation during the transition.

Everyone has their own unique reaction to going back to school, and it’s important to provide individualized support based on their personality and needs. These strategies can help create a smoother transition and promote a positive attitude towards the upcoming school year.

We wish everyone a positive start to the new school year and hope that you all had an enjoyable summer. 

The team at Whole Heart is dedicated to helping families live better lives. To learn about our programs and services go to:

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Family, Mental Health, Wellness

International Self-Care Day

The pandemic has amplified our very real and perceived stresses and caused us to re-examine how we care for ourselves; to revisit the idea that “self-care” is somehow self-indulgent rather than an essential act of self-respect.

Self-care is not about the occasional day of pampering. It’s about making a conscious choice to replenish and show gratitude to yourself. it’s about cultivating a habit of looking after yourself, making informed and empowered decisions for your health and seeking out the supports you need to ensure your holistic wellbeing.

It’s by nurturing ourselves that we are able to truly provide this same kindness and care for others.

Whole Heart’s Tips for Self-Care

Our experts have put together a list of tips and Whole Heart resources to help you get your self-care habits in check:

1. Sleep hygiene

Getting an adequate amount of sleep every night is key and there are habits that can be developed to support that:

  • Be consistent about going to bed at the same time each night and getting up at the same time each morning, even on weekends.
  • Get some exercise daily – physical activity during the day can help you fall asleep more easily at night.
  • Avoid large meals, caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime.
  • Limit all screen use before bed.
  • A bedroom that is quiet, dark and at a comfortable temperature is best.
  • If you’re practicing good sleep hygiene and still seeing sleep challenges in your family, family due to other concerns, it can help to talk to someone. Get in touch with our team here:

2. Healthy, balanced diet

  • What we eat affects our bodies and our minds, and research is increasingly showing the impact of food on our mood!
  • Food can affect the development, prevention, and management of mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety disorders.
  • Studies are exploring the effects of food on organisms in the intestinal tract, neuroplasticity (brain’s ability to modify structure, wiring and function), oxidative stress (cellular damage) and chronic inflammation
  • You can learn more about the link between food and mood, as well as ways to incorporate healthier options into meals by consulting with a nutritionist. Whole Heart is offering a program in August to help teach parents and adults working with children and teens how to better support their relationship with food and exercise. You can learn more here:

3. Connection

The pandemic starkly revealed how much social connection impacts our overall wellbeing.

4. Meditation/Mindfulness

Meditation and mindfulness can help us to calm our minds, increase pleasure and joy in our day-to-day activities, build compassion and gratitude for ourselves and others and gain clarity around things that can be difficult. Meditation and mindfulness allow us to cultivate amazing tools that we can carry with us wherever we go! Try this grounding technique that can help shift focus away a busy mind into the present moment:

While breathing in and out of your nose, identify in order:

  • 5 things I see
  • 4 things I am touching
  • 3 things I hear
  • 2 things I smell
  • 1 thing I taste

If you want to discover the benefits of meditation as part of your self-care, check out our Virtual Walking Meditation Group:

5. Get out in nature

Research shows that spending even 20 minutes a day outside can help reduce anxiety, lower depression and boost overall mood. Set a goal of trying to build this into your weekly routine; pick a new walking route, try a new trail, or just sit outside. For a great map of nature trails to add to your self care tool kit visit:

6. Exercise

Physical activity has a significant impact and benefits on mental health and is often part of an integrated strategy for management of overall health and wellbeing. Benefits can include:

  • Lifting mood by releasing endorphins that enhance feelings of well-being
  • Creating a healthy distraction from negative thoughts
  • Building confidence in achieving skills or goals
  • Creating social interaction
  • Fostering a healthy outlet for stress

Our Virtual Walking Meditation Group incorporates physical activity, meditation, mindfulness, socialization and getting out in nature:

7. Talk to someone

Self-care includes recognizing that we all need someone to talk to. Having support and connection is essential at the best of times. But if you are struggling or actively supporting someone in managing their mental health journey, taking care of yourself takes on an increasing level of importance. Not sure where to begin? Reach out and let us help guide and support you

At Whole Heart, we hope that on International Self-Care Day you’ll be reminded to check in with yourself regularly, ask how you’re doing, what you need, and prioritize the response. Remember: Self-care is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.

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