Whole Heart Mental Health and Wellness is pleased to offer 1:1 tutoring support in collaboration with Helping Hands Tutors, a private tutoring company established in 2010.
Services include private in-home and/or online/virtual tutoring services for students across all grade levels, subject areas and abilities. 
Helping Hands Tutors work with children with a variety of abilities, learning differences and special needs, as well as with students who are receiving physical or mental health services, such as occupational therapy, speech-language therapy or psychotherapy. This working relationship allows for a smooth transition from therapy to academics. 
Helping Hands Tutors and Whole Heart Mental Health and Wellness are proud to work with and support students living with mental health conditions, as well as with their families
Helping Hands Tutors lessons are based on the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum expectations and best practices in education. 

Helping Hands Tutors are dedicated and experienced Ontario Certified Teachers (OCT) with Special Education (and other) qualifications. They help identify areas of difficulty and help students strengthen a wide range of academic, learning and study skills. Subject areas for tutoring include, but are not limited to: reading, writing, spelling, mathematics, science, social sciences and the arts. Assistive Technology lessons and supports are also available. Their tutors help students understand their learning styles and develop their learning, study and organizational skills. They also help parents navigate the education system and the special education process, including understanding IEPs and academic assessments.

Tutoring takes place in a one-to-one setting in the privacy and comfort of your home or online/virtually. Special arrangements can be made for tutoring to take place in hospital or treatment center for children receiving medical care. All tutoring lessons are individualized to meet the needs of each student. Helping Hands Tutors help foster a love for learning, as well as build confidence and self-esteem. Organizational and study skills are taught in order to enhance cognitive and creative skills.

We are excited to welcome Helping Hands Tutors into our community of mental health providers and share the philosophy that:

• Every student has a unique learning style.
• Learning should be a positive experience.
• Positive experiences lead to a positive sense of self.