Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Groups
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based therapy that teaches new skills and strategies to build lives that feel worth living.
We are offering two groups this year, both virtual:
Virtual DBT Skills Group for Teens 13 – 18
Date and Times: BEGINS Winter date TBD
$70 per session, for 12 weeks
Virtual DBT Skills Group for Adults (18-24)
Date and Times: Please email to inquire
$75 per session, for 10 weeks
Participants learn:
- Mindfulness strategies to better understand their emotions, triggers, what gets in the way of effective coping and how to better express what they are experiencing in words
- Emotion Regulation Strategies to better understand emotions and their purpose, the impact of emotional urges that have negative consequences, and reduce vulnerability to emotions and increase positive emotions
- Distress Tolerance Strategies to self-distract until calm enough to deal with the situation or emotion, to self-soothe and use their senses to feel more at peace, to improve the moment despite pain or difficulty, and establish coping strategies
- Interpersonal Effectiveness Strategies to ask for what they want and take steps to get it and work through relationship conflicts and challenges and build greater self-respect
Who should join:
Individuals who struggle with intense emotions and/or making and maintaining relationships; those with parent child relational difficulties; difficulties understanding their emotions and/or where they come from, difficulties understanding their value and sense of self.
For program inquiries email: intake@wholeheartmentalhealth.com
Call 647-345-0661